I'd like to thank you for sharing our recipes, watching our videos, reading the articles from our incredible contributors & participating in the conversation about living deliciously Gluten Free. I love hearing from you, answering questions and sharing your ideas with others.
We've celebrated some growth this year! Our G-Free Foodie Box is getting rave reviews from Gluten Free Girl, Celiac and the Beast and Gluten Free Frenzy, and we just moved into a new shipping location and added a fabulous Customer Service team to address your questions and needs. It's been crazy (in fact, this month was insane), but every time I get a thank you from one of you, I know it's worth it.
To support our growth, we've started a Kickstarter Campaign with just 5 days left! We've heard your requests for Paleo/Grain Free, Top 8 Allergen Free & Organic/non-GMO Boxes, and this will support these new options & so much more. I would appreciate it so much if you'd support us, and there are some awesome Rewards in it for you (Sriracha Ketchup or Kyra's Bake Shop Cupcake Wars-winning GF Ding Dongs, anyone?)
We only get the funding if we reach our total goal, so I'd be grateful if you'd share our project on Facebook, via email, or with anyone you know that might be interested. These incredible products are good for anyone, not just those who are Gluten Free, so send it to all the Foodies in your life. You can even send the rewards as a gift or keep them as a present for yourself! Even if you simply send us good wishes, I'd like to thank you for supporting G-Free Foodie. It really means so much.
Please visit G-Free Foodie for recipes, restaurants, reviews & more, and let me know what you think via email, on Facebook or Twitter. I'd love to hear from you.
Support G-Free Foodie's Kickstarter, Pledge Today!
Help us expand the G-Free Foodie Box Club to include Paleo, Top 8 Allergen Free, and Organic + non-GMO options, and to let more Foodies know about the club!You'll score incredible rewards, including some One-of-a-Kind options that won't be seen again, all while helping the G-Free Foodie team spread the Gluten Free love and expand our reach to Foodies everywhere.
Let Us Know What You Think