This fun Fairy Berry Trail Mix recipe has tins of color, tons of flavor, and is all natural. What else could you want from a snack mix?
Article Courtesy: Mary Fran Wiley
My desk has two drawers, a shoe drawer and a snack drawer. I might be a snack food junkie.
Well, sort of.
Living gluten-free for 7 years, I have learned to never take access to safe food for granted. Every time I go out to a new restaurant, there is a snack in my bag of some kind. Sometimes it is a granola/protein bar. Sometimes it is a snack mix. Sometimes it is a box of crackers and a packet of almond butter. But there is always something. And often several somethings.
Having an easy to grab and delicious snack on hand is incredibly important for kids and adults.
This week, I am going to share 7 snack mixes that are endlessly adaptable, take less than 10 minutes to throw together. And above all are delicious. My goal is to rid you of that hangry feeling that can happen when you are out, hungry and there isn’t a decent gluten-free option in sight. (There is no GORP – good old raisins and peanuts for those of you that never went to Girl Scout Camp – on this list, I want show you just how fun snack mixes can be.)
- Fairy Berry Trail Mix
- Sour Patched Trail Mix
- Cherry Cordial Snack Mix
- Mango Lassi Trail Mix
- Apricocious Trail Mix
- Raisinably Delicious Snack Mix
- Happy Endings Trail Mix
And, once I have shared my recipes with you, I will share my favorite pre-made gluten-free snacks.
I have admitted more than once to you that I often eat like a four year old. I love purple food. The more colorful the cereal, the happier I am. And I can never turn down fruit snacks.
So, I made you this mix.
This is not your ordinary trail mix. There are no nuts. No candy. No pretzels. No flashbacks to leaky tents and mosquito bites.
It appeals to my inner child (hence the name – what four year old girl doesn’t love fairies?). It is sweet and a little chewy. There are lots of little pieces to pop into your mouth. Bright colors.
And it appeals to the grown-up that I am trying to be. Jam packed with anti-oxidants and vitamin c. The sweetness of the cherries and blueberries is balanced by the tang of the goji berries. There are no artificial colors or refined sugars.
- 50 grams dried blueberries
- 50 grams dried cherries
- 50 grams goji berries
- Weigh out and combine ingredients.
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