Wondering which celebrities have Celiac Disease? Here's a list that may make you feel a little less alone on the gluten-free diet.
Celiac Disease and the gluten-free diet have become trendy topics lately and there are a growing number of celebrities who have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease. It seems only logical to compile a list of these celebrities and add to it as more are vocal about their diagnosis. Celebrities who are gluten intolerant (Drew Brees, Terence Stamp, Juliette Lewis) or who follow the gluten-free diet for other reasons (Jenny McCarthy) or as a way to loose weight (Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow) are not included in the list. See our full list of gluten-free celebrities here.
More than a decade ago it was hard to imaging that Celiac/gluten-free diet would become a mainstream topic and definitely not one that would make an entertainment show like Access Hollywood (Chelsea Clinton's gluten-free wedding cake). Apparently Bill Clinton has mentioned that he is on a gluten-free diet on Rachel Ray and during Hillary's run for President.
It seems to me that there are more celebrities out there with Celiac Disease, so we hope they will come forward and let it be known. The publicity the disease receives translates into more people getting diagnosed who have been suffering unnecessarily. On average it takes 7-11 years to get a proper diagnosis of Celiac Disease, so we need all of the publicity we can get to raise public awareness, educate the medical community and ultimately decrease the average diagnosis time.

Mandy Moore was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2017
Mandy Moore joined the list of celebrities with Celiac Disease following an endoscopy to determine the diagnosis.
This list of celebrities with Celiac Disease was compiled from multiple sources:
- Amy Yoder Begley (Competed in Beijing Olympics as a runner)
- Cedric Benson (NFL)
- Sarah Joy Brown (actress on The Bold and the Beautiful)
- Heidi Collins (former CNN anchor)
- Zooey Deschanel (actress)
- Jameela Jamil (actress)
- Novak Djokovic (tennis pro)
- Jennifer Esposito (actress, author)
- Susie Essman (actress, Curb Your Enthusiasm)
- Rich Gannon’s (NFL Quarterback) daughter, Danielle
- Thom Hartmann (Air America Radio)
- Elisabeth Hasselbeck ("Survivor" competitor, author, host of “The View”)
- Katherine, Duchess of Kent
- Jessie and Jilly Lagasse (authors, daughters of Emeril Lagasse)
- Dannii Minogue (singer & actress, sister to singer Kylie Minogue)
- Mandy Moore (singer, songwriter, actress)
- Keith Olbermann (Countdown with Keith Olbermann)
- Mickey Redmon (former pro hockey player)
- Emmy Rossum (actress)
- Joe Stanton (Cartoonist who draws Batman, Green Lantern, Archie & Scooby-Doo)
- Jane Swift (former Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor)
- Josh Turner (musician)
- Sarah Vowell (author, journalist)

Wondering Which Celebrities Are Gluten-Free? We have a list!
Gluten-free celebrities and athletes have several reasons for removing gluten from their diets. While some have Celiac Disease, others have other health issues or just find they feel better.
Ready for a Road Trip? Eat Safely Gluten-Free at In-N-Out:
If you have Celiac Disease, eating on the road can be a challenge. Here's our guide for ordering safely gluten-free at In-N-Out, Five Guys and Shake Shack.

**Who is missing from this list? Leave a comment and the list will be updated periodically.
Celebrities with Celiac Article Courtesy: Jennifer Harris, updated by the G-Free Foodie team
Zooey Deschanel photo: © Sbukley | Dreamstime.com
Mandy Moore photo: © Starstock | Dreamstime.com
mariana says
hi, i understand that the people that take a free gluten diet doesn't count to the real list of celebreties that can be pointed as having this desease. their just simply loosing kg's in a stupid way...in time they'll suffer some nutrient loss...
But the intolerant ones should! to be intolerante is allmost the same as being allergic.
i am intolerante to gluten. like the allergic ones, i can't eat gluten. if i do, i get the same painfull resolts as the allergic ones, less the anifilatic choc, my throwt doesn't do boom.
the difference between this two kind of celiac desease bases on the anti-corps, the traces in blood that shows that you are allergic.
i have thake many blood exams and a biopsy to my duodenos, as a normal way, and the results came all negative. But, whenever i eat gluten stuff, knowing or by mistake, in a couple of hours i'll experience extreme pain, forcing me to take pills to stop the inflamations of the intestines, and anti espasmatic pills to stop the contractions in my body.
Belive me.
Celiac desease is a baby in a way that, even being old, it's still uncompletly correctly studied and known.
Why theres allergic ones?
Why theres intolerant ones?
Why ones almost died as babies, suffering and the medical doctors not knowing what was the problem?
Why some, like me, manage to survive, having a resistent body, having sense the 6 months of age, periods of wellness and periods of "apatic" beingness.
I fell bad for juliet lewis, as an intolerant auto-imune desease patient, because i am one, like her.
i deserve , like her, to be knew and have the same rights and benefits as the allergic ones because we have the same enimy: gluten!
kisses to you all, make justice in america. europe does it!
Mia says
NO! An intolerance is not the same thing at all as celiac disease. I'm not saying a person doesn't feel ill or suffer but an intolerance is NOT 1. An autoimmune disease. And 2. Intolerance is not an allergy like celiac disease is and 3. An intolerance is not doing serious damage to the small intestine at all or damaging the intestine how celiac does in any way. These 3 points have been proven over and over again since before 2012 in regard to a gluten intolerance vs. Celiac disease. It's not the same thing at all and it's not at all as serious. Not even close.
Maria says
You can be intolerant to gluten and suffer from another type of autoimmune disease. If you eat gluten, you might not suffer the same as a someone from Celiac Disease, but adding more gluten can worsen the autoimmune disease or increase the chances of developing one. It is serious because just like celiac disease, there are many other autoimmune diseases that are badly affected if you consume gluten.
Judy says
I'm celiac and can die if I eat gluten. And it's for life gluten will smoother the villi in the small intestines causing the patient to suffer massive vitamin deficiancy, and severe anemia leading to eventually death. Celiac is much more than a sensitivity or allergy. Also, I recently have been tested for allergies to wheat, barley & rye to find I'm not allergic.
bonni says
judy, you clearly do NOT have Coeliac Disease.
Coeliac Disease is an autoimmune disease. it is NOT an analytical allergy.
yes, it is possible to die, but it's from complications related to Coeliac Disease but that would occur only after years, if not decades of NOT following a strict gluten free diet. you would die because of secondary and tertiary related illnesses.
and considering you amercans with your inclusion of oats and a pathetically high allowance of 20ppm of acceptable gluten in your so called gluten free foods, then judy...you are definitely eating gluten and you definitely haven't died.
Judy says
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder, whereas gluten intolerance is a sensitivity,” “NCGS does not typically have a full negative impact on overall health like celiac disease can.”
Both celiac disease and NCGS are treated by not eating gluten. Someone with celiac disease must avoid gluten completely for their entire life, while someone with NCGS may see symptom improvement by simply reducing gluten and carbohydrate intake.
“Removing gluten from your diet if you don’t have celiac or a gluten intolerance will give you no health advances,”
Stephanie says
It is unreal how bad both your grammar and spelling is.
Mec says
Doctor who & Victoria actress Jenna coleman was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2015.
personne with celiac says
dosfent sssniperwolf have celiac
Daphne says
Mia says
NO! An intolerance is not the same thing at all as celiac disease. I'm not saying a person doesn't feel ill or suffer but an intolerance is NOT 1. An autoimmune disease. And 2. Intolerance is not an allergy like celiac disease is and 3. An intolerance is not doing serious damage to the small intestine at all or damaging the intestine how celiac does in any way. These 3 points have been proven over and over again since before 2012 in regard to a gluten intolerance vs. Celiac disease. It's not the same thing at all and it's not at all as serious. Not even close.
Daphne says
I feel like if you listen to acapella by Karmen it says though he was gluten-free but all that i got was bread
Zach says
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