I've spent the last few weeks planning a birthday party for my grandparents - Gramma turns 88 next week, Grampa turned 90 two weeks ago. 85 friends joined us in their backyard, and we ate and laughed and drank wine. I'll tell you what I know for sure - I want to be surrounded by the people I love for as long as I'm roaming this planet. I was born to an incredible (and often hilarious) family, and I'm quite certain my friends are the most fabulous people to exist, ever.
Don't get me wrong - I could make a list of stuff I'd like to have: I ruined all my oven mitts, I want a Bialetti, my sneakers are so far gone is isn't funny anymore, I need a pedicure, and I certainly wouldn't turn down a spa day, a Vespa, trips to Italy, Hawaii & Costa Rica, $10,000 in unmarked bills or a lifetime supply of Siggi's coconut skyr.
But what I really love is hanging out by the pool with my daughter, while she hones her comedic timing, aspires to be just like my friend Kelli, and learns to appreciate early punk rock & old school rap.
I want to spend more time listening to my grandparents laugh, cracking jokes with my cousins, and drinking Zinfandel & eating smoked salmon with my parents & their friends.
I get to do work I love with people I love more - we launched the G-Free Foodie Box Club this month, we're writing two cookbooks this year, we're working with clients & sponsors that value us. I'd like more days doing work with people that make my life better.
I've been running with an awesome posse of Gluten Free Girls, and we've made a habit of supporting every move the others make. I'm in a relationship with someone who genuinely wants to know the answer when he asks me how my day was. I have friends who pick me up when I'm down, push me higher when I'm up, make me laugh uncontrollably, and call for lunch or cocktails if we haven't seen each other's faces in 72 hours.
I want more time with all of them, listening and laughing, being supportive and simply being present.
I have a few Soul Sisters, the kind of relationships that occupy more of your heart than a standard-issue friend, the kind that know inherently when you need them and you can feel it when they need you. The kind you can say anything to - because there is nothing other than unconditional love. I want to celebrate our wins & mourn our losses together, for as long as I can.
So, if you want to FedEx me a turquoise & gold Micheal Kors watch, or anything else from my Pinterest board of things I want, I'll accept the gifts & thank you kindly.
But if I can trade the watch for some time with my people, I'll just learn to tell time with the sun.
XO XO XO - and thanks for being a G-Free Foodie -
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