The Best Gluten Free Fried Eggplant Recipe In The World


Lined Circle
Lined Circle

Not everyone loves eggplants as I do, but this Fried Eggplant recipe is so perfect that even if you don't dig eggplants, you just might become an eggplant lover!

Honestly, Napoleon is just fancy name for a layered dish.

How is this fried eggplant recipe different from others?

Between the soaking method and  breading technique- this fried eggplant recipe is unbeatable!

Why do you soak and salt eggplant before frying?

You can remove the bitterness from your eggplant by salting and soaking it before cooking.

Picking the PERFECT eggplant for fried eggplant

Choose the freshest eggplants you can find and utilize them within a week after buying them. Instead of dull and wrinkled eggplants, go for glossy, plump ones. Some say that size doesn’t matter, but with eggplants, it does. Smaller is also better because larger ones are more mature and can be bitter.